6 / 7 Math
Tutor Name: Ashley Golden
Course Name: 6 / 7 Math
Required Text:
Teaching Textbooks Math 7, Version 2.0 or 4.0
& Student textbook with answer key.
Here is a link to order: http://www.teachingtextbooks.com/v/vspfiles/tt/Math7.htm
Unless your child is excellent at understanding math or you feel fully competent to instruct them at home, I recommend one of the following:
Full kit, including DVDs with self-grading program and completely worked out problems. Cost is about $150 (includes CDs, student textbook and answer key). The set allows for more in-depth explanations of mathematical concepts when not in class. If your student is good at understanding math and good at self-teaching, then this CD would not be as necessary.
Student can purchase the newest version 4.0 from www.teachingtextbooks.com, which gives access to the full book as an e-book and all material on the CDs as a subscription for 1 student for 10 months (can be paused for 6 months).
Note About Curriculum:
Choosing the right math curriculum is extremely challenging, and varies drastically based on the individual be a student. For a comprehensive discussion of math curriculum I recommend www.homeschoolmath.net. Teaching Textbooks is a good blend between mastery and spiral approaches with engaging discussions that help students see the applications of math. That being said, I will also supplement periodically with online resources and print worksheets to emphasize key topics, and with this will also allow for the course to be varied based on student’s individual abilities.
Copy Fee: $20
Other Fees: None
Minimum Number of Students: 8
Maximum Number of Students: 10
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
Students will be required to obtain mastery in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework:
Prerequisites: Placement test
Recommended Grade Level: 6th-8th
Rate for Additional Private Tutoring:
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