I was born and raised in Kingsport, Tennessee. I attended East Tennessee State University and Middle Tennessee State University. I married David (now deceased) in 1979 and moved to Middle Tennessee permanently. I first heard about home education from my pastor in 1978, and I told David before we were even married that I wanted to homeschool any future children we might have. God gave us three precious children and we were blessed and privileged to home educate them from birth through high school graduation. We began our home school journey in the fall of 1988 and continued for the next nineteen years. All three children have graduated from college and two have gotten their master’s degrees. Our son is an officer in the United States Army. Even more important than that, I am now a grandmother!
During those nineteen years, we volunteered in various capacities in the homeschool community. David and I served on the Middle Tennessee Home Education Association Board of Directors for thirteen years, and we helped to organize and start the Home Education Association of Rutherford, Tennessee (HEART). I spoke at various conferences, graduations, and homeschool seminars and workshops. In the fall of 2002, I began teaching at Rutherford Tutorial Academy, where I continue to teach today. I also do private tutoring. In addition to teaching and tutoring, being a Mama and a Gigi, I also serve on the Powerfully Positive, Inc., Board of Directors.
Junior High Literature A
"If you want to be a leader, you must be a reader!"
- Teddy Roosevelt
Tutor Name: Ginger McCreery
Course Name: Junior High Literature A
**Course information rotates on a two year cycle, but each year stands alone as a separate course.
Required Texts:
A STRING IN THE HARP by Nancy Bond Publisher: Aladdin Library ISBN: 0-689804458
THE THURBER CARNIVAL by James Thurber Publisher: Harper Perennial Modern Classics ISBN 10: 0060932872
THE STORY OF THE TRAPP FAMILY SINGERS by Maria Augusta Trapp Publisher: Perennial (Harper Collins) ISBN: 0-060005777
THE EAGLE OF THE NINTH by Rosemary Sutcliff Publisher: A Sunburst Book (Farrar-Strauss-Giroux) ISBN: 0-374419302
WINTER HOLIDAY by Arthur Ransome Publisher: David Godine ISBN: 0-879236612
A GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST by Gene Stratton Porter Publisher: Indiana University Press ISBN: 0-253203317
MEET THE AUSTINS by Madeleine L’Engle Publisher: Dell ISBN 13: 978-0312379315
ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL by James Herriot Publisher: St. Martin’s Paperbacks ISBN: 0-312966199
THE GREAT ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Publisher: Puffin Classics ISBN: 0-14036689-X
ANGELS AND OTHER STRANGERS: FAMILY CHRISTMAS STORIES by Katherine Paterson Publisher: Harper Trophy ISBN: 0-06440283
THE HIDING PLACE by Corrie ten Boom Publisher: Bantam Books ISBN: 0-553256696
A YEAR DOWN YONDER by Richard Peck Publisher: Puffin ISBN: 0-142300705
Prerequisites for this class:
Summer required reading!
THE GOLDEN FLEECE AND THE HEROES WHO LIVED BEFORE ACHILLES by Padraic Colum Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks ISBN: 0-020422601
Copy Fee: $20
Minimum Number of Students: 6
Maximum Number of Students: 18
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
Good books widen our world and take us on adventures we may never have. This class will be both academic and appreciative, in nature. This class is wonderful as a sequel to Junior High Literature I, but it will also be great for new students. Every attempt will be made to accommodate the interests of both male and female students. We will examine lots of different genres: mystery, historical fiction, fantasy, short stories, autobiographies, and poetry.
Tutor Expectations for Parents:
Because we will be using lots of real books instead of a textbook, it is absolutely necessary that the students have the books they need by the time we read that book in class! Look ahead on the syllabus and make sure your student has each book before we start reading it. I require that students bring whatever book we are currently reading to class each week. We will use the books for class discussions and they MUST have the book with them in order to be able to participate. HOWEVER, students are welcome to listen to the books via Audible, or Audio Books, or even Mom reading them aloud, as long as they have a real copy to bring with them to class.
More Courses
Middle School Literature
JR High Literature
JR High History
Philosophy & Christian Worldview
Additional Comments:
Reading great literature accomplishes at least two things: academic excellence and excellence of character. If you want your student to write well, your student needs to be reading lots and lots of excellent, well-written books. If you want your students to have a great vocabulary, your student needs to be reading lots and lots of great books!
While you will need a lot of books for this class, most of these titles can be found at used bookstores or through online sources quite cheaply. Instead of buying an expensive textbook that you will never use again, you will be investing in real books for your student and home.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework:
Approximately 5-10 hours per week, depending on the speed and skill of the reader.
Recommended Grade Level:
Junior High, Grades 7th-9th
Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: $25/hour
The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff
The Great Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter
A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck
The Thurber Carnival by James Thurber
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom
Angels and Other Strangers: Family Christmas Stories by Katherine Paterson
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria Von Trapp
Winter Holiday by Arthur Ransome
All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot
A String in the Harp by Nancy Bond
Meet the Austins by Madeleine L'Engle