Matthew Bullington instructs math (Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2), Chemistry, Business and Life Skills, and ACT Prep at the Discipleship Tutorial. Having studied applied mathematics in the field of economics, Matthew loves bringing his passion for math and learning into the classroom. He loves taking intimidating subjects in math, business and science and making them accessible, relevant, and engaging, and focuses on how we can see God in every field.

A homeschool graduate, Matthew works as a college prep consultant through his company, UniversityReady, and brings his college expertise to ACT Prep. He has tutored for over twenty years, and brings this expertise along with his liberal arts Economics degree background to his classes at The Discipleship Tutorial.

Matthew is joyfully married to Meagan, and has two daughters (Mercy and Mollie) and a son Matty. To find out more about Matthew and what he does as a college consultant, visit his website,

JA BizTown
(Junior Achievement)



Tutor Name: Matthew Bullington

Course Name: JA BizTown (Junior Achievement)

Required Text:  Workbook provided

Other Fees: Copy Fees: $15 + $25 (workbook) = $40 total (may be a little bit higher, to be determined by JA BizTown in the fall).

Minimum Number of Students: 12

Maximum Number of Students: 20

Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 1 - 2 hours

Course Description/Outline/Objectives: 

JA BizTown is a community unlike any other; one where kids take charge by running businesses, earning paychecks, voting in elections and donating to philanthropy. This unique, hands-on program engages students in the roles of workers and consumers in a series of classroom lessons that culminates in a visit to the fully-interactive simulated town in Nashville. Students learn entrepreneurial and personal finance skills while they work and shop in their own vibrant community. Through this experiential learning process, students develop a strong understanding of the relationship between what they learn in school and their successful participation in our global economy.

More Courses by Matthew bullington

  • Business Skills

  • ACT Prep

  • Chemistry with Labs

  • Geometry

  • Algebra 1

  • Algebra 2

  • JA BizTown

The end of the semester will culminate in a trip to JA BizTown in Nashville. Date to be announced.

Recommended Grade Level: 5th-8th grades