Business Skills
(2nd Semester)
Tutor Names: Matthew Bullington
Course Name: Business Basics
Required Texts:
Business Made Simple by Donald Miller
So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Optional Materials: None
Copy Fee: $20
Other Fees: None
Minimum Number of Students: 10
Maximum Number of Students: 20
*Coordinates with Business Literature class
Finish high school strong with a comprehensive look at ourselves and the world around us. While Discipleship Tutorial strives to offer robust, traditional academics, we also want to offer our students key skills that most individuals will use every day of their lives. Join us on a hands-on, 16-week journey where we’ll explore:
Understanding value and value creation in business
Marketing, advertising and sales
Accounting and finances (at work and at home)
Understanding yourself (your strengths and weaknesses)
Habit creation
Skill acquisition
Understanding others
And more!
The course is built around the structure of Business Made Simple, with 12 business topics (the book also includes access to daily short videos). These individual studies will introduce students to the core concepts of business and personal productivity.
Students will create a mock business over the duration of the course, and apply the principles and skills learned to that simulation.
Hands-on activities and simulations will all be used to help students engage with and retain the skills discussed.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 1-2 hours
Prerequisites: Algebra 1
Recommended Grade Level: 9-12th
Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: NA
Concepts/excerpts will also be pulled from:
The 10 Day MBA
The Personal MBA
The Power of Habit
Good to Great
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Innovator’s Dilemma
The Lean Startup
The Tipping Point
The 4-Hour Workweek
Start with Why
The Go Giver
The Millionaire Next Door
Matthew Bullington teaches math (Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2), Chemistry, Business and Life Skills, and ACT Prep at the Discipleship Tutorial. Having studied applied mathematics in the field of economics, Matthew loves bringing his passion for math and learning into the classroom. He loves taking intimidating subjects in math, business and science and making them accessible, relevant, and engaging, and focuses on how we can see God in every field.
A homeschool graduate, Matthew works as a college prep consultant through his company, UniversityReady, and brings his college expertise to ACT Prep. He has tutored for fourteen years, and brings this expertise along with his liberal arts Economics degree background to his classes at The Discipleship Tutorial.
Matthew is joyfully married to Meagan, and has two daughters (Mercy and Mollie) and a son Matty. To find out more about Matthew and what he does as a college consultant, visit his website,