Neva Buttrey has always loved to teach and has spent most of her adult life looking for opportunities to do so. Her passion has been to tell of God’s love for others as she shared with them the skills and knowledge He has given her. She has shared in many ways, including Word and Excel classes at work, one on one training with her staff, Sunday school classes at North Blvd., and helping to train and support church staff with Word, Excel, and the church’s database systems.

Neva majored in Information Systems at MTSU and went to work for the State of Tennessee just about the time the first Windows PC was purchased. She worked with all things “tech related” her entire thirty-plus years with the State of Tennessee, including but not limited to Desktop Technical Support, Network Administration, Webmaster, Application support, Application development, and SQL Server support. She also spent many years managing teams of individuals who did the same type of work. She recently chose to leave full time work so that she could pursue things that bring joy to her heart.

Introduction to Computer Programming Python Programming



Tutor Name: Neva Buttrey

Course Name: Python for Kids -Second Edition 

ISBN-13: 978-1-7185-0302-1

Required Book:

Python for Kids by Jason Briggs

ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-407-8

Required Equipment and software:

  • The Python software is free.

  • Windows 10 laptop or Macbook with Yosemite OS or higher. (If your child doesn’t have access to a laptop, please talk with instructor about options)

  • USB thumb drive with a minimum of 8GB of storage

  • Must have access to email.

Copy Fee: $15

Minimum Number of Students: 4

Maximum Number of Students: 8

Course Description/Outline/Objectives: An introduction to computer programming using the Python language which is used by many companies such as Google,Yahoo, Facebook and NASA. The course will cover programming basics including understanding variables and data types, control flow branching and repetition, modules, functions, classes, and object-oriented programming. Total hands-on learning using modules such as Turtle and tkinter for simple game design and programming challenges.

By the end of the class the students will:

  • enhance their problem-solving skills through learning to troubleshoot code.

  • have a better understanding of how technology and programming can be used to share their faith with others.

  • have an introductory understanding of programming concepts that will prepare them for additional programming.

  • utilize the Turtle module to draw advanced geometric shapes via code.

  • apply the concepts learned to create a program to encode and decode messages.

  • use Python and the tkinter module to design and code a simple Bible Memory game that will challenge the user to learn Bible verses and their locations through encouraging feedback for correct answers.

Expected weekly time commitment for homework:
About 30-45 minutes/day, 4 days/week students who have good typing skills; longer otherwise.

The student should be willing and able to type 20-40 lines of code per week even if they use the “hunt and peck” method of typing. The amount of time needed to complete homework will be impacted by their typing speed.

Recommended Grade Level: 6th - 12th

Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: $40/hour

More Courses
   by Neva Buttrey

  • Computer Programming for Middle School and Jr. High
    Intro. into Python

  • Advanced Computer Programming Python Game Development