Introduction to Psychology: Foundations and Well-being
Tutor Name: Robert Russell
Course Name: Introduction to Psychology: Foundations and Well-being
Required Text: TBA
Other Fees:
Minimum Number of Students: 6
Maximum Number of Students: 18
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 3- 6 hours
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
Introduction to Psychology: Foundations and Well-being is an entry-level course designed to introduce students to the basics of psychology while emphasizing the importance of emotional well-being. This course covers the fundamental principles and theories of psychology, exploring how they apply to understanding human behavior and mental processes. Special attention is given to the aspects of happiness, stress, resilience, and strategies for maintaining mental health.
Through lectures, discussions, and practical exercises, students will gain a comprehensive overview of psychological concepts, with a focus on applying these insights to improve personal emotional well-being. This course is ideal for students of all majors interested in gaining a deeper understanding of psychology and the tools for fostering mental health.
Learning Outcomes:
Gain a solid understanding of the basic principles and concepts of psychology.
Understand the importance of emotional well-being, including strategies for enhancing mental health.
This streamlined course aims to equip students with foundational psychological knowledge and practical skills for improving emotional well-being, making it a valuable addition to any academic or personal growth journey.
Recommended Grade Level: 10th-12th grades