As a former homeschooled student and Graphic Design graduate from Middle Tennessee State University, Emma loves learning, especially via art. From an early age she adored doing anything with her hands, creating projects in every subject from English to history and even science. Fast forward to the present and Emma still gets just as much joy from creating and designing. Emma graduated from Homelife Academy in 2016 after being homeschooled for 10 years and earned her B.A. in Graphic Design in 2020. She is passionate about working with kids and young adults and has loved her time with Discipleship Tutorial in past semesters as a lunch table leader and substitute teacher. When she’s not designing, some of Emma’s favorite pastimes are picnics in Centennial Park with her husband, Thomas, trying out new recipes, and starting a new sewing project.

World History: History Through the Lens of Culture, Art, and War - High School



Tutor Name: Emma Goodwyn

Course Name:  World History: History Through the Lens of Culture, Art, and War - High School

Required Texts:

Millennium Year By Year (only available used from $4-$21)

ISBN-10: 0789465396 ISBN-13: 978-0789465399

Copy Fee: $20

Other Fees: None

Minimum Number of Students:  5

Maximum Number of Students: 15

Course Description/Outline/Objectives:  
History can be thrilling, however, it often doesn’t feel that way when we study only wars or exchange of power. History Through the Lens of Culture, Art, and War explores not only the pivotal moments in world history but also the culture, art, traditions, and food of the time. Students will have the opportunity to get a full view of history, focusing on areas that interest them most. This class allows each student, no matter their interests, to find something exciting in history. They will practice researching topics, writing and formatting, along with developing a full timeline from 1000-2000 AD.

Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 4 - 5 hours per week

Recommended Grade Level: 9th -12th

Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: $20 hour

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