Meagan Bullington received her Bachelor of Arts in Violin Performance from the University of Memphis. After college, she moved to Mexico for several months to study Spanish.

She is passionate about language and the ways it connects us to the world. She loves Hispanic culture and dreams of living in Mexico some day. Meagan lives in Murfreesboro with her husband Matthew and two daughters, Mercy and Mollie, and son Matty.

Spanish 2                  



Tutor Name: Meagan Bullington

Course Name: Spanish 2

Required Text:

  • El Leon, La Bruja y El Ropero (Cronicas de Narnia)
    ISBN-13: 978-0060842536

  • Webster's Spanish~English Dictionary for Students 
    ISBN-13: 978-1596951655

  • Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs
    ISBN-13: 978-1438009162

Materials Fee: $50

Minimum Number of Students: 8

Maximum Number of Students: 16

More Courses by Meagan bullington

  • Spanish 1

  • Spanish 2

Course Description/Outline/Objectives: 

A holistic and engaging study of the Spanish language, with a focus on grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking and culture. Students will use online tools to reinforce their language skills throughout the week to make a one-day-a-week class work for learning a language. This class will build on the concepts learned in Spanish 1, with a stronger conversational element. Students will receive handouts that reinforce and allow for practice of skills covered in class.

Prerequisites: Completion of my Spanish 1 class, or with instructor permission.

Recommended Grade Level: 10-12th

Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: $40/hour