Middle School American History
Tutor Name: Tammy Erickson
Course Name: Middle School American History
Required Text:
America From the Beginning (Answers in Genesis). You can either purchase a copy or rent one for $25/student.
Copy Fee: $30
Other Supplies Needed:
1 Composition Notebook
Colored pencils or
Minimum Number of Students: 10
Maximum Number of Students: 18
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
This class provides a ‘first look’ into the history of the United States. Utilizing a “hands-on” history curriculum and interactive notebook, students will be introduced to American history from creation. God’s grace toward the United States is obvious and unfolds in an exciting way as students discover the events, inventions, and people from Columbus through the early 1900’s.
Like my other classes, I utilize an Interactive Notebook to make the lessons memorable and appeal to various learning styles. Homework includes preparing notebook entries, reading lessons, and answering follow-up questions.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 2 hours
Prerequisites: None
Recommended Grade Level: 5th - 7th
Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: n/a
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Tammy Erickson
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Tammy Erickson holds bachelor’s degrees in both Marketing and Management, as well as a Minor in Music Business from Anderson University. She has taught Literature Analysis 1 & 2 at other tutorials, as well as World Lit and Grammar to her two amazing daughters. She has authored various works including a Biblically-based Etiquette curriculum, Bible studies, songs, press releases, and magazine articles. Her love of the written word further enabled her to serve as a book editor and editor for two nonprofit organizations. She loves to analyze great authors and find God’s message woven into their stories! And she loves to teach ‘how words come together’! She is a visual learner herself, so she endeavors to incorporate creativity into her lesson plans that will appeal to all three learning styles. Her passion for, and creative approach to, this class will fuel students’ love for literature.
When she isn’t developing new ways to analyze great books, she loves spending time with Jesus, studying and writing, leading worship, planning ministry events at the family’s barn, grabbing coffee with friends, hanging out talking with her two precious daughters, taking walks at the lake with her husband of 22 years, and cuddling her Bernese Mountain Dog puppy.