Advanced High School Writing
Tutor Name: Elaina Shaver
Course Name: Advanced High School Writing
Required Texts:
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Publishing Magazine Articles. By Sheree Bykofsky, Jennifer Basye Sander, and Lynne Rominger, 2000.
Other Required Materials:
Desktop, laptop computer, or iPad for homework
3 ring binder with 8 dividers
Yellow highlighter
Pencil and pen
Copy Fee: $20
Minimum Number of Students: 6
Maximum Number of Students: 10
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
A course designed for more advanced writers. The course is formatted to meet a full high school English credit. Students will focus on writing different types of articles and essays.
Work will be submitted through Schoology. Students are encouraged to practice keyboarding during the summer. There are several online programs, free of charge, that are designed to help students develop keyboarding skills.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 2 hours per week
Prerequisites: None
Recommended Grade Level: 9th-12th
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