A native of middle Tennessee, Amy received a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from TSU in Nashville. Amy worked in her field of study for just a few years before starting a family and choosing to stay home full time with her children. They began homeschooling in 2005 when her oldest child began kindergarten and have now homeschooled for 17 years.
She and her husband, Brent, have been married for 29 years and have 9 children, ages 14-22. She hastaught at various homeschool co-ops and tutorials over the years, and currently teaches Biology,Chemistry, and Anatomy at Priest Lake Academy in Smyrna. Her family attends LifePoint Church in Murfreesboro where she and her husband have served in student ministry and hospitality for many years.She enjoys connecting with students and families and has a passion for encouraging students to getexcited about learning. Amy loves science, all kinds of art, reading historical fiction, fall weather, and ofcourse spending time with her family.
Advanced Biology with Labs
Tutor Name: Amy Holman
Course Name: Advanced Biology with Labs
Required Text:
Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology, 2nd edition, by Shannon and Yunis; (2 volumes – you need the student text, the answer key/ test booklet is optional) ISBN; 978-1-935495-72-7
Other Fees: Lab Expenses: $80
Minimum Number of Students: 8
Maximum Number of Students: 20
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
This Advanced Biology course is an in-depth study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Each of the 11 major organ systems (Skeletal, Nervous, Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Muscular, Integumentary, Lymphatic, Urinary, Endocrine, Reproductive) will be covered in great detail. This study will introduce the organizational levels of the human body from a single cell to each organ system. The class will integrate hands on instructive labs and dissections to support the information introduced in the different modules. Labs include animal dissections, microscopic cell studies, and case studies. The labs as well as class content will help students discover the complex intricacies and amazing design of the human body. Class time is meant to supplement and enhance learning done at home so students are expected to arrive to class prepared each week.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 4- 6 hours
Prerequisites: Biology required, Chemistry helpful but not required
Recommended Grade Level: 10th-12th grades
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