Elaina Shaver is a storyteller in many forms.
She taught creative writing and theatre at Whole Heart Family Tutorial in Franklin for 8 years. Prior to that, she was the Youth Programming Coordinator at Street Theatre Company in Nashville for 6 years where she wrote and directed several plays for students ages 6-18. Most recently, she has taught for the Discipleship Tutorial Co-op for 3 years on a variety of subjects including Creative Writing, Folklore & Fairytales, Literature, Art and Science. This year, she and her husband created a performing theater class on their family farm in Lascassas.
Elaina holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music with a minor in Photography from Belmont University and before she had children, Elaina worked in the marketing industry, helping local businesses tell their stories through photography, written copy, and graphic design.
Elaina has written over a dozen stage plays that have been performed at several theaters around the middle TN area, has co-written two staged musicals, and is always in the process of writing another story. She is a mother of 4 and is married to Aaron Shaver who is a published author and storyteller as well. She and her family have been homeschooling for 4 years and attend North Blvd Church of Christ.
Junior Creative Writing
Tutor Name: Elaina Shaver
Course Name: Junior Creative Writing
Required Texts:
Other Required Materials:
3 ring binder
Copy Fee: $15
Minimum Number of Students: 6
Maximum Number of Students: 15
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
The main goal of this Creative Writing class is for students to unlock a love for writing through their imaginations and observations of the world around them, to gain confidence, and learn tools to make writing less daunting.
In this class we will cover:
Descriptive Writing Practice
Writing Exercises & Story Prompts
Creative Story-telling games
Story Mapping
Play Writing
Writing Full Stories
Reading various kinds of literature examples
Students will be writing in class (with paper and pencil) and will have writing to do at home each week that will need to be typed and submitted to Schoology by the following Tuesday.
Each class will start with a Story Prompt and will include a game or activity to showcase our topic. We’ll then move into our weekly topic and have time for in-class writing. Writing to be done at home will be given out each week and will be available on Schoology. Both in-class writing and at-home writing will be added to a 3-ring binder students will need to bring each week.
Students need to have a 3-ringed binder to add all of their work to each week. Please bring this binder to class each week and keep track of it.
All assignments will be listed and turned in on Schoology as well as given in class on or before the due date listed.
Students are expected to participate. Our class will be fun, creative, and encouraging. A cooperative and willing spirit will go a long way!
Students will have writing work to do at home each week which should be done with parent review.
The use of AI in writing is strictly prohibited.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: Fall Semester 30 minutes- 1 hour per week. Spring Semester 1-2 hours per week.
Prerequisites: None
Recommended Grade Level: 5th-8th
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by Elaina Shaver
Creative Writing
Junior Creative Writing