Twentieth Century History
Tutor Name: Frances Arthur
Course Name: Twentieth Century History
Primary texts:
A History of US, Books 7-10, 3rd Edition (or comparable editions)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Additional support: The internet. Students will have to do a lot of research online. Parents will, of course, need to supervise this research time (as they should with any time students spend on the internet). Students will be directed to specific articles and websites for most of this research, but sometime they will have to find information on their own.
Supply Fee: $25
Minimum Students: 5
This class will cover an international overview of history from 1900 to as close to the present day that we can get. By taking a full year to study this 120 year period, we can learn about more than the timeline of events. We’ll discuss the leaders whose names most students know as well as the “regular people” who were affected by the decisions of those in charge. Not only will we learn what happened, but we’ll also explore how it happened, why it happened, and how it influenced what happened next. Students will compare the events of this time period to others, learning the phrase “History doesn’t repeat itself, people repeat history.” In order to understand what is going on internationally today, we must consider what happened in the last century. Students will be strongly encouraged to actively participate in discussions. Strong note-taking skills will also be very helpful.
Weekly time commitment: 4 hours
Pre-Requisite: Students must have a strong working knowledge of American History from 1760-1900 to be successful this class.
Recommended Grade Level: 10-12th
Grading: As a tutor used only to assist the parent with educating their student, I will not be grading student assignments regularly. I will suggest a grade to the parent when I grade mid-terms, final exams, and projects only. If there is any concern, I will stay in touch with parents, and they should contact me with any concerns.
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by FrancEs aRTHUR
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