Brian Smith is the Co-Owner of Cinematicfocus. Cinematicfocus was formed by Joshua Eldred and Brian Smith. Josh and Brian met at Fox17 News where they worked together for six years. Within those six years they started working together on various freelance jobs and realized that their talents meshed well together. Soon after they decided to start a small part time company called Cinematicfocus Video Productions, while at the same time keeping their full time jobs at Fox17 News. Cinematicfocus quickly grew larger and larger until they could no longer keep up with the demand of both jobs, so in late 2012 Josh and Brian both left Fox17 News and focussed on Cinematicfocus as their full time jobs. Cinematicfocus won an Emmy in 2015, and has been growing ever since.
Tutor Name: Brian Smith
Course Name: Videography
Required Text: None
Required Materials: Apple Laptop and access to the internet
Copy Fee:
Other Fees:
Minimum Number of Students: 2
Maximum Number of Students: 6
Course Description/Outline/Objectives: In this class we will work in rotating 2 person, shooter/editor teams to create multiple video projects per team. You will learn the art of story telling through shooting and editing video. Class time will be spent discussing on going projects, best practices for shooting interviews, and guest lectures from other industry professionals.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 3-4 hours
Prerequisites: None
Recommended Grade Level: 9-12th
Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: $20 / hour