Matthew Bullington instructs math (Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2), Chemistry, BizTown, Business and Life Skills, and ACT Prep at the Discipleship Tutorial. Having studied applied mathematics in the field of economics, Matthew loves bringing his passion for math and learning into the classroom. He loves taking intimidating subjects in math, business and science and making them accessible, relevant, and engaging, and focuses on how we can see God in every field.

A homeschool graduate, Matthew works as a college prep consultant through his company, UniversityReady, and brings his college expertise to ACT Prep. He has tutored for over twenty years, and brings this expertise along with his liberal arts Economics degree background to his classes at The Discipleship Tutorial.

Matthew is joyfully married to Meagan, and has two daughters (Mercy and Mollie) and a son Matty. To find out more about Matthew and what he does as a college consultant, visit his website,

Chemistry with Labs                      

*Requires Algebra 1


Tutor Name: Matthew Bullington

Course Name: Chemistry with Labs

Required Text: 

  • Discovering Design with Chemistry
    Student textbook with answer key.
    Cost: $69 range
    ISBN: 978-0-9962784-6-1

Optional Materials: 

  • Audio Book, $19
    ISBN: 978-0-9962784-8-5

Other Materials:

  • Spiral bound notebook

  • Scissors and glue stick

Copy Fee: $20

Other Fees: Lab fee, $50

Minimum Number of Students: 8

Maximum Number of Students: 20

Course Description/Outline/Objectives: 

This class will be an in-depth dive into the incredible world of Chemistry, with a variety of labs built in to illustrate the concepts. Labs will include everything from chemical properties of making ice cream to advanced chemistry demonstrations (labs are added in that are substantially more advanced than what is included in the book). I will be supplementing the course with worksheets to help ensure the student knows and understands the key concepts. This curriculum provides a great foundation for college level study, and with the worksheets will be a very robust curriculum that can help students to love the field of Chemistry and is thoroughly college-preparatory in scope.

There will be a quiz taken every other week at home via Schoology. Students will also be given access to an online resource with video supplements for the lessons. 

Theoretical Chemistry Route: Parents may choose to have students go a more “theoretical chemistry” route, bypassing some of the more math-intensive portions of the material. The student will still have to read the chapters, but will not have to do the review questions and chapter tests, and instead will watch videos through and answer short quizzes. Parents and students may choose to move from the regular track to the theoretical route at the beginning of the year or at any point during the course.

Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 5+ hours per week.

More Courses by Matthew bullington

  • Business Class & Life Skills

  • ACT Prep

  • Chemistry with Labs

  • Geometry

  • Algebra 1

  • Algebra 2

  • JA BizTown

Prerequisites: Algebra 1 with a grade of “A” or “B” or take a pre-test to make sure they are ready for the class.

Recommended Grade Level(s) for this class: 10th – 12th

Estimated Difficulty Level of course for average student: Above average

Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: $50/hour