High School Grammar
Grades 9th-12th
Tutor Name: Lil Welch
Easy Grammar Plus: Student Workbook by Wanda Phillips / ISBN: 0936981147
Easy Grammar Plus: Teacher Edition by Wanda Phillips / ISBN: 0936981130 Books available through Christianbook
Equipment Needed:
Students will need a notebook, pens, pencils, highlighters, and a student planner. Because writing is submitted through Schoology, home access to a laptop or computer is necessary.
Work will be submitted as Word documents through Schoology. Students are encouraged to practice keyboarding during the summer. There are several online programs, free of charge, that are designed to help students develop keyboarding
Copy Fee: $20 (covers test booklet)
Minimum Number of Students: 10
Maximum Number of Students: 20
Course Description / Objectives:
I strongly suggest a grammar course for high school students, especially those who lack confidence in writing skills. I agree with Millie Dinsdale, Content Manager at ProWritingAid, who offers several reasons why grammar is important in writing: 1. Grammar conveys exact meaning through correct punctuation. 2. Accurate grammar makes writing easier to read. 3. Incorrect grammar can distort meaning. 4. Good grammar increases credibility.
This course is a review of the elements of grammar. Students examine parts of speech, correct verb forms, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and principles of writing.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 3-5 hours
Recommended Grade Level: 9th - 12th
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Lil Welch, known as Granny Lil, was born and raised in Louisiana. She graduated from Louisiana College in Pineville, Louisiana, where she majored in English education and minored in speech. Granny Lil did not begin her teaching career immediately. Instead, she spent several years as a stay-at-home mom and homemaker. When she did begin teaching, she found that it was more than a job; teaching for her was a calling. Granny Lil has taught 5th grade, middle school, and high school for over twenty-five-years. She also served on the board of her alma mater, Louisiana College. Granny Lil began homeschooling three of her grandchildren after she retired. It was through that endeavor that she was introduced to Discipleship Tutorial. She is thrilled to be a tutor at DT, where she can share her faith in the Lord and encourage her wonderful students to do the same. If you ask Granny Lil what she treasures most in her life, besides her God, she will say her family: her husband of fifty years, her five children, her fourteen grandchildren, and her great-grandson.