Katie has been an artist most of her life. Originally from Orlando, Florida, she moved to Birmingham, Alabama where she graduated from the University of Alabama with a Fine Arts degree in ceramics and metal casting. In Birmingham, she taught workshops in metal casting to young artists in middle school through college and beyond. She worked with inner city kids in after-school art programs until she moved back to Orlando. It was there that she began freelance work with award-winning interior designers to create custom interior finishes for their clients. Over the last 2 decades Katie has also been Creative Director for a Bridal Accessories company, taught art classes in her home and in their homeschool community, restored antiquities, renovated houses, and raised babies.

She and her husband, Brett, have two awesome kids and attend The Experience Community Church where Katie is a part of the Art Ministry.

Junoir High Fine Arts



Tutor Name:  Katie Hestla

Course Name:  Junior High Fine Arts

Required Text:  Sketchbook

Art Fee:  $80/Year (This will include most materials for the different projects that we tackle throughout the year.)

Minimum Number of Students:  6

Maximum Number of Students:  15

Course Description/Outline/Objectives: 

This year students will grow and develop their creative skills in a fun and creative environment. If this is their first art class or if they’re already a budding artist, students will work with a variety of mediums such as pen, pencil, charcoal, pastels, paints (acrylic, oil, & watercolor), mixed media and sculpting mediums. Our focus will be on creating a portfolio of art through a solid understanding of the elements of art and design, understanding color theory, technique and methodology while having fun in the process.

As we create, we will incorporate the 4 strands of a solid Art Education, as listed below, through conversation and critique.


Art Appreciation: observing all the qualities that comprise a great work of art. We practice this by learning about the basic elements and principles of art and design, time period of the piece, style, medium and techniques used. Our goal is to gain a further understanding and hopefully an admiration and greater regard for art.

Art Production will allow us to create our own unique pieces of art, exploring a variety of media including painting, oil & chalk pastels, pen & ink, carving & printmaking, 3-Dimensional design, and so much more. We will study and practice the elements and principles of design through color, perspective, technique, and theory. All lessons will allow students to explore and develop their own creativity through exposure to a variety of materials and techniques.

Art Critiques will give us practice in analyzing, interpreting, and making a judgment about given works of art both verbally and in written format. This will be handled in both a constructive and positive way.

Art History will teach us about the importance of art in cultures throughout the world. We will reference how visual art reflects the time in which it was created. We will also reference some of the Great Artists through history and how different art “movements” were born out of the historical events of their day.

Just a little FYI: Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking and verbal skills. My hope is to improve each students’ motivation, technique, personal expression, confidence and teamwork skills… all while having fun creating!

Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework:  
1-2 hours at home for sketching.

Recommended Grade Level:  6th-8th


  • Junior High Fine Arts

  • High School Arts

  • Advanced Fine Arts

  • Art Market

  • Set Design