Frances Arthur has taught high school, middle school, and elementary school in public, home school, and homeschool cooperative settings over the last 30 years. As a lifelong learner she has developed a skillset which allows her to effectively teach government, politics, economics, geography, American, and world history.
Frances and her husband Dale have two amazing sons. Ben currently serves in the AL Army National Guard in a Special Forces Unit and is a SCUBA instructor in Kingsland, GA. David will soon graduate from FLETC in New Mexico after training to become a border patrol agent.
In 2010, she began working part time for TN Right to Life as a church outreach associate, lobbyist at the capitol, and high school oratory contest chairman. From 2014-2018, Frances served as an elected member of the State Executive Committee of the TN Republican Party representing the 16th Senate District.
Her favorite volunteer work that she does is serving with TN Eagle Forum as the Teen Eagle Director for TN, and in 2018 she was appointed as the National Teen Eagle Chairman.
When she is not busy, Frances competes in ballroom dance competitions in American smooth dances waltz, tango, and foxtrot.
American History 1
1760’s-1865, pre-Revolutionary War through the end of the Civil War
Tutor Name: Frances Arthur
Course Name: American History 1 (High School)
Required Texts:
A History of US, Books 2-6, 3rd Edition (or comparable editions)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Copy Fee: $25
Minimum Number of Students: 6
Maximum Number of Students: 20
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
This class will cover the history of our nation from the 1760’s-1865, pre-Revolutionary War through the end of the Civil War. By taking a full year to study this 100+ year period, we can learn about more than the timeline of events. We’ll discuss the leaders whose names most students know as well as the “regular people” who were affected by the decisions of those in charge. Not only will we learn what happened, but we’ll also explore how it happened and why it happened.
Students will compare the events of this time period to others, learning the phrase “History doesn’t repeat itself, people repeat history.” They will learn the importance of knowing history rather than becoming one doomed to repeat it. We’ll talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly in our national history. Students will be strongly encouraged to actively participate in discussions. Because I am a Christian and believe that God ordained the foundation of this country, I know no other way to teach it than from that perspective.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework:
5 - 7 hours per week
Prerequisites: None, however a Middle School knowledge of World History is helpful.
Recommended Grade Level: 9th-12th
Grading: As a tutor used only to assist the parent with educating their student, I will not be grading student assignments regularly. I will suggest a grade to the parent when I grade mid-terms, final exams, and projects only. If there is any concern, I will stay in touch with parents, and they should contact me with any concerns.
Rate for Additional Private Tutoring:
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by FrancEs aRTHUR
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