Philosophy & Christian Worldview
Tutor Name: Ginger McCreery
Course Name: Philosophy and a Christian Worldview
Required Books:
by David A. Noebel. Harvest House Publisher.
ISBN#: 13: 978073690 7828
SOPHIE’S WORLD: A NOVEL ABOUT THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY by Jostein Gaarder. Penguin Group USA Publisher. ISBN#13: 9780425152256
(Required to be read before the first class): SEVEN MEN WHO RULE THE WORLD FROM THE GRAVE by David Brees. Moody Press Publications.
ISBN# 13: 9780802484482
Copy Fee: $25
Minimum Number of Students: 6
Maximum Number of Students: 18
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
What is a worldview? How do we develop a Christian worldview? What is philosophy? How does it impact our lives today? This class will explore the history of philosophy and the emptiness of so much of the world’s so-called wisdom.
“A clear understanding of worldviews will not only help protect you from deception, but it will also give you the tools to be a more effective witness for Christ in these confusing modern times.” Dr David Noebel, The Battle for Truth
This class is what I like to call “deceptively simple.” There are some books to read and some quizzes to take, some homework questions to answer and a study guide for an exam each quarter. I designed this class so that there wouldn’t be too much “busy work” involved. However, this is information that may be brand new for the student. Understanding philosophy, and the four main worldviews in our society today (Secular Humanist, Cosmic Humanist, Marxist/Leninist, and Biblical Christian) requires much thinking and concentrating. The information cannot be acquired by simply reading the assigned chapters while thinking of something else. I actually have the students read each chapter in The Battle for Truth twice and even then the information doesn’t all soak in. Please realize that your student will need to think and read and absorb what is read each week. This class is definitely college prep in nature. Our students must be prepared for the secular thinking they will encounter in college classes. This course was required in my house before my children went to college.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 4-6 hours per week
Prerequisites: Required summer reading: SEVEN MEN WHO RULE THE WORLD FROM THE GRAVE by Dave Brees
Recommended Grade Level: 9th-12th
Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: N/A
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Philosophy & Christian Worldview