Stephanie Nance grew up in Nashville, TN, and went to Harding University to study French. She spent the summers during her college years working with the churches of Christ in French-speaking Europe (France, Switzerland and Belgium). She graduated with a BA in French and minors in Greek and Business Management and later an MEd in French Education. Following graduation, she was an adjunct for Harding University, leading a group of college students on Harding's first study abroad program to France and Switzerland.

Stephanie wanted to move back to middle Tennessee to be close to her family and to fulfill her calling to teach high school students. She taught French at Oakland High School here in Murfreesboro for three years, during which time the French program doubled in size. During her time there, she wrote the curriculum for and started the French International Baccalaureate (IB) program and also led a group of high school students on a trip to France over Winter Break.

After the birth of her first son and much prayer, she decided to leave the job she loved to be able to stay home full-time. She continued to tutor French out of her home for several more years until the birth of her third child at which time she wanted to be able to totally focus at home. Now her oldest is taking French for high school credit, and she is thrilled to have the opportunity to be back in the classroom sharing her love of the French language and culture with the students at Discipleship Tutorial.

Stephanie is married to her best friend Tim, and they have five incredible kids (Henry, Martin, Cordelia, Arthur and Isabelle). Stephanie has homeschooled since 2014 when her oldest started kindergarten and is so very thankful for Discipleship Tutorial and Co-op where her family is involved and thriving.

French 2



Tutor Name: Stephanie Nance

Course Name: French II

Required Text: 

Bien dit!  French 1 - ISBN 978-0-544-86133-6

Bien dit! French 1 - Cahier de vocabulaire et grammaire - ISBN 978-0-547-95186-7

(This is the textbook and workbook that students used during French 1, and so since they already have them, they do not need to be purchased again. Please just hold onto them until after completion of French 2 as we will be using parts of them in the French 2 course that we did not have time for in French 1 as well as heavily supplementing with other materials.)

Copy Fee: $40

Minimum Number of Students: 8

Maximum Number of Students: 18

Course Description/Outline/Objectives: 

French 2 will build on language skills acquired in French 1, again in a fun and engaging way, and always with a focus on communication! Like French 1, this course will be a mostly immersion experience with the vast majority of class time being spent in French. Students will continue to practice listening, speaking, reading and writing, the four foundations of language communication, in a variety of new contexts while again learning the appropriate vocabulary and grammar to enable them to communicate successfully in each of those arenas. However, French 2 is very exciting in that the foundation for language learning has already been well established, and so students will be able to quickly and more easily build on prior learning as they grow and expand in all areas of their language learning.

The French 2 class is very much a continuation of French 1. The course will pick up where French I left off and continue a logical progression of language learning. Like in French 1, class time will be spent introducing new concepts and practicing them as a whole class with the tutor and also in small group settings or with a partner. Homework throughout the week will reinforce concepts introduced during class and will include videos to watch, audio to listen to, exercises in the textbook, workbook or on handouts to complete and journal entries to write. In addition, students will also complete projects and will take periodic quizzes and tests to check for comprehension. The tutor will continue to provide feedback on all homework and assessments to aid students in learning and to evaluate student progress.

The tutor's goal for this class is to build on the strong foundation established in French 1 and for students to continue to develop and deepen their communication skills in the French language in order to satisfy their second high school foreign language credit but also to equip them with more advanced communication skills in French that they may use to God's glory in the future as He sees fit. In addition, the tutor hopes to foster a more meaningful appreciation of the French language and culture.

Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 4- 6 hours

More Courses
by Stephanie Nance

  • Intro to French

  • French 1

  • French 2

Prerequisites: Completion of French I with Stephanie Nance.

Recommended Grade Level: 9th-12th

Rate for Additional Private Tutoring: NA