English III or IV: Business English
Tutor Name: Lil Welch
Course Name: Business English - (Because this course includes instruction in literature, writing, grammar, and vocabulary; it meets the requirements as a high school English Course at Aaron Academy. (Parents should identify the course as English I, II, III, or IV when posting the course and submitting grades.)
Required Text:
Harbrace Handbook (online source)
Purdue Owl (online source)
Occupational Outlook Handbook (online source)
ACT Vocabulary (online source)
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (ISBN 0-671-02703-4)
Optional Materials: Student Planner
Copy Fee: $20
Other Fees: $15
Minimum Number of Students: 10
Maximum Number of Students: 20
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
Business English:
This course focuses on communication skills including but not limited to the following: listening effectively, positive communication, public speaking, technical writing, essay writing, academic research writing, reading effectively, teamwork, and interview skills.
Students will submit technical writing such as PowerPoint projects, professional emails, resumes, cover letters, essays, and research papers. They will practice two-way communication, identifying both positive and negative communication styles. Ideally, students will work in teams. If necessary, teamwork will be assigned through online meetings. Instruction in both grammar and vocabulary are incorporated.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 3 - 5 Hours
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Prerequisites: Proficiency in Microsoft Word / Keyboarding Skills
Recommended Grade Level: 10th -12th