Music History and Appreciation
Tutor Name: Amelia Tracy
Course Name: Music History and Appreciation
Required Text: None
Copy Fee: $45
Additional Materials Required:
Minimum Number of Students: 5
Maximum Number of Students: 12
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to explore music history, spanning from the Middle Ages to the contemporary tunes of today. We’ll be immersed in the diverse styles, renowned composers, captivating genres, and pivotal events that have shaped the music through the ages. Beyond understanding the evolution of music, this course aims to provide a rich cultural context for each era. Throughout the year, we’ll listen to and learn from a range of musical genres, expanding your appreciating of music and uncovering the stories behind the notes!
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 3-4 hours
Grade Level: 9th-12th grades