Amy Lines is a graduate of Tennessee State University with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology. She received her Masters Degree in Human Services Counseling from Liberty University and is a certified Life Coach. She is also a certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Self Defense Instructor. Amy loves martial arts, and is active in Krav Maga and a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo. 

Amy and her husband Don have been married for 21 years. They have four daughters, three of whom are homeschool graduates. Amy is still homeschooling their youngest daughter. Their family attends the Experience Community Church.

Fit Fight: Principles of Personal Fitness and Self Defense (Middle School/Jr High)



Tutor Name:  Amy Lines

Course Name:  Fit Fight / PE

Required Text:  None

Copy Fee: $15

Additional Materials Required:  

Minimum Number of Students:  6

Maximum Number of Students:  14

Course Description/Outline/Objectives: 
In this class we will learn fun and age appropriate fitness and self defense. Fitness and movement are important to a healthy functioning mind and body. Self defense will teach students how to improve situational awareness while incorporating a variety of skills. Each class we will learn and practice new fitness and self defense techniques while we build on the previous lessons.

Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework:  

Grade Level:  5th-8th grades