Introduction to Animal Science
Tutor Name: Mandy Shaw
Course Name: Introduction to Animal Science
Required Text:
Scientific Farm Animal Production: An introduction to Animal Science. Author: Thomas G. Field.
This is a college textbook so it can be rented from Texbook brokers or purchased from Thrift books for $77.
Supplies Needed:
Copy Fees: $25
Minimum Number of Students: 10
Maximum Number of Students: 20
Course Description/Outline/Objectives:
This course will focus on the diverse nature of animal science and understanding practices farmers implement on their farms. This course will teach the basic disciplines in the animal sciences (nutrition, genetics, reproduction, health and management, animal products) and their significance to the industries. Students will learn to describe different livestock and poultry species and their importance in animal agriculture. Students will learn to identify common livestock breeds, feedstuffs, and equipment used for livestock. Students will look at the importance of animal welfare, production safety, and understanding the importance of livestock agriculture. *Note that this is a college level course using the MTSU dual enrollment curriculum. Juniors/seniors can choose to have it count as college credit if they choose to take the end of year examination for a test fee of $60.*.
Expected Weekly Time Commitment for Homework: 3-5 hours
Prerequisites: Biology (Advanced Biology / A&P recommended but not required)
Recommended Grade Level: 11th-12th grades
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Introduction to Animal Science